As part of our Mission Project, we are making improvements to our existing facilities. 

We have explored facets of our church status, and growth, that tie into our renovation explorations. We have discussed our goals for our church's programs, and we have envisioned possible futures. We've gathered insights and opinions. We have researched costs, vendors, and timelines. With two different concepts proposed, we asked over 100 friends, family, future members and the general public to let us know how each design for the interior of our church would resonate with visitors and communicate what Grace of God values. The designs and ideas shown here are the fruits of our discussions and consensus. 

We are eager, and grateful, that God has given us the opportunity to refresh our campus to make our space more welcoming and attractive. 

This page illustrates the ongoing renovation aspects we are doing which make wise use of resources, available gifts and talent, and encourage growth through beautification of our sanctuary. (Below is the designer's concept guiding our project.) 

We will install new low-pile industrial carpeting (instead of a wooden, or tile floor), and ensure that the flooring has markers to help us place seating where it should be.
We will retain the existing stained glass. We will emphasize the stained glass windows' arched top design by patching in a drywall “arch”.
We leave the cement block behind the cross “as is.” We will apply wooden trim and wall paint to make a background to help emphasize the altar, ambo, and font.
We leave the trimber-framing beams "as is" but may add an ornament to the termini of the beams where they meet the walls; and a local artisan may subtly paint Bible passages on the beams.
Along the walls, we will build a custom "wainscoting" that will serve as storage for folding tables which will be used for meetings, classes, and lectures in the sanctuary area.
We can hang large panes of colored glass in front of the existing side windows featuring biblical scenes and symbols on colored glass. In between the windows, we can also make smaller circular artworks for the liturgical year.
We can have a local artist member of the church paint an altarpiece.
Custom chancel furniture will be designed and built by a woodworking member of the church.
We have purchased new seating for our lower-level gathering area that is inclusive of and accessible for all persons.